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A Rebel’s Manifesto

A Rebel’s Manifesto is the Christian playbook for rebellion against the modern secular culture. This book, although aimed at the younger generation, offers insights that are valuable to all ages. I have seen many books over the years that attempt to encourage young students to maintain their walk with God as they leave home for a secular university. Yet, these books often lack in addressing the real issues students will be confronted with. This is not the case with A Rebel’s Manifesto.

In this book, Dr. Sean McDowell does not shy away from addressing some of the most controversial issues of our day. Yet, he does so with kindness and always from a biblical perspective. Many of these topics are often only addressed by politicians, while Christian voices remain on the sidelines. This is not the case with McDowell. He brings much needed clarity to issues that have been clouded with confusion, such as climate change, gun control, homosexuality, transgenderism, racism, and much more. He even addresses how Christians can apply biblical principles to cell phone use and Artificial Intelligence! In other words, McDowell is trying to help the reader understand that a Christian should be applying biblical principles to every aspect of their life.  

One of the things I like most about this book is that McDowell encourages readers to take a stand for Christ, even when it may cost them. He does not hide the fact that you may suffer severe consequences for standing for the truth. He does not sugar coat it and say that because you follow God, everything will be all nice and dandy. Rather, McDowell reveals that following Christ can cost you things, whether those things are material, your career, or even your friends. In the very first chapter, he offers two real life scenarios where Christians were asked to compromise their beliefs. In both circumstances, the Christian chose to do the right thing. For one, things worked out great; for the other, it cost them their dream. McDowell makes his message clear from the get-go with this question: “Will you follow the example of Jesus, or will you follow the pattern of the world?”[1] This is the overarching theme as he guides you through each topic.

 Things I like about this book:

1.   It is an easy read. Even a junior high student can digest this book. Or another way of saying it, even a public school senior can digest it!

2.   The topics it covers. As discussed in this post, McDowell does not shy away from addressing some of the most important and controversial topics. Just take a look at the table of contents and you will see the multitude of topics covered.

3.   It provides action steps. At the end of almost every chapter, McDowell offers practical steps one can take to act and think biblically regarding the topic addressed in that chapter. I love this because he not only equips you with great information, but he then shows you how to apply it to your life.

4.   The reader learns both grace and truth. McDowell shows how to maneuver difficult topics graciously, yet without sacrificing truth.

Many students enter college without knowing how to handle difficult situations. They do not know how to apply biblical principles to the tough situations they will face. This book is a must have resource because it fulfills this need. McDowell does a great job of giving the reader enough information to be well-informed on the topic. Yet, at the same time, he does not overload the reader with too much information. This book not only equips the Believer with answers, but it also helps them learn how to maneuver these situations with grace and truth.


[1] McDowell, A Rebel’s Manifesto, 5