Does the Quran Deny the Crucifixion of Jesus?
It is often believed that the Quran denies the death of Jesus on the cross. But is this the case? This article examines multiple interpretations of Surah 4:156-158 and whether the Quran accepts or rejects the death of Christ on the cross.
The Fairness of Hell
This article examines how eternal hell can be compatible with a good and loving God.
What Happened to the Body of Christ? Examining the Burial of Jesus
This article examines the probability that Jesus received a proper burial as described in the Gospels.
Resurrection or Hallucination?
Many critics argue that Christ’s Disciples simply hallucinated the Resurrection. But does this theory stand up to scrutiny? Is it a better explanation for the data than Christ’s bodily Resurrection?
Right to an Abortion?
This article looks at both the legal and theological aspects of the question regarding a woman’s right to an abortion.
The Women Told No One?
Does Mark 16:8 contradict the other Gospel narratives? Did the women who discovered the empty tomb really tell no one?