
Most of these podcasts can also be watched on YouTube.

  1. I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist with Frank Turek

Dr. Frank Turek is one of the most well-known apologists today. On his podcast, he covers a wide range of topics including politics, theology, philosophy, and current issues in the culture. Dr. Turek helps his listeners think biblically no matter what topic he is addressing. Although he is a top apologist, he does a great job of taking complex matters and making them easy for the average listener to understand. If you are looking for someone who gets rid of the big words and makes topics easy to understand, then this is your guy. I highly recommend this podcast.

2. Line of Fire with Michael Brown

Dr. Michael Brown is one of the leading apologists to the Jewish community. He has a wealth of knowledge on a wide variety of topics. Dr. Brown not only offers insight on Biblical topics, but he also addresses politics and the culture through a biblical lens. He is a top notch scholar and regularly takes viewer calls on his show to answer any questions or objections one may have.

3. Defenders Podcast with William Lane Craig

William Lane Craig is arguably the leading Christian Apologist today. His Defenders podcast features classes he gave to the Sunday school class at his church. Dr. Craig does a great job of going in depth while walking you through some of the most foundational doctrines of Christianity.

4. ID the Future

If you love science, this podcast might be for you. ID the Future features many of the top Intelligent Design proponents and keeps you up to date on the latest scientific discoveries. The podcast is daily and episodes normally last between 15 and 20 minutes. Therefore, it gives you a quick and concise breakdown of the most important information you need to know.

5. Cultish

This podcast takes you through various cult groups: their history, beliefs, and how Christians can respond. Often, this podcast features either someone who used to be a member of the cult or someone who is an expert on the cult.

6. The Naked Bible Podcast with Michael Heiser

Dr. Michael Heiser is one of the leading biblical scholars today. Although I disagree with him on some things, he does a great job of going extremely in depth on a wide variety of biblical topics. Dr. Heiser answers some of the biggest theological questions surrounding the Bible and does his best to bring the average church goer up to date with the scholarly community.

7. Unbelievable with Justin Brierley

This podcast is a discussion format that features two experts with different perspectives on a particular issue. Often, these are discussions between Christians and atheists on a wide variety of topics. Sometimes it features two Christians discussing different positions within Christianity. This podcast is a great resource for learning about the various perspective on any issue.

8. Stand to Reason with Greg Koukl

Greg Koukl helps his listeners learn how to process arguments from skeptics and non-Christians. He addresses biblical topics along with questions regarding the current culture. Koukl is a mastermind at equipping believers with conversational skills.

9. Think Biblically Podcast

This is a great podcast for how Christians should think about current social issues. They dive deep on some of the most pressing topics of our time and do so from a biblical perspective. This podcast offers a great way to learn how to respond biblically to difficult issues.