Reinventing Jesus by J. Ed Komoszewski, M. James Sawyer, and Daniel B. Wallace

This text covers a broad range of topics. Particularly important are the chapters covered by Dan Wallace. Dan Wallace is one of the leading New Testament textual critics. He gives a good overview of how the Bible was copied and handed down through the centuries. This book also covers why books did or did not make it into the Bible, studies on Jesus, and refutes the idea that Jesus was a copy of pagan gods.

Reading level: Easy-Medium

Can We Trust the Gospels by Peter J. Williams

Williams provides a basic overview on why we have good reason to believe the Gospels are accurate. This is a great read for those just beginning to study the reliability of Scripture.

Reading level: Easy

The Case for Jesus by Brant Pitre

If I could recommend one book on biblical studies, it would be this one. Pitre tackles a broad range of topics that skeptics often try to use to attack the Bible. Yet, he does so with great clarity. It is written for the lay audience. After reading this book, you will understand how we know who wrote the Gospels, why other books did not make it into the Bible, how we know the Gospels are reliable, when the Gospels were written, and how we know who Jesus was. It is an excellent book that every Christian should read.

Reading level: Easy-Medium

From God To Us by Norman Geisler and William Nix

This text covers a broad range of topics regarding Scripture. It begins by going through the doctrine of Inspiration. Part 2 covers the formation of both the Old and New Testament. Part 3 covers textual criticism of the Bible. Part 4 covers translations of the Bible and which translations are best. This is a good book for gaining a wide range of understanding on how we got the Bible and which English translations are best.

Reading level: Medium

Canon Revisited by Michael Kruger

This book goes very in-depth on the formation of the Bible, particularly the New Testament. After reading this, you will understand how it was determined which books got into the Bible and which did not. It is a heavy read since it focuses on one central topic. However, if the reader is willing to put in the work, it can be a very helpful read on the topic. Dr. Kruger is one of the top scholars on the formation of the Canon of Scripture. This book is a wealth of knowledge on the issue.

Reading level: Difficult