The Second Coming of the New Age by Steven Bancarz and Josh Peck
New Age is one of the most popular alternatives to Christianity. Every Christian is bound to come across New Age teachings at some point. Both authors of this book were once in the New Age Movement before converting to Christianity. They expose the faulty foundation of New Age teaching and the consequences that come from following the New Age movement.
Reading level: Medium
Barack Obama vs the Black Hebrew Israelites by Vocab Malone
Vocab Malone has a popular following on YouTube. On his YouTube channel and in this book, he exposes the cult known as Hebrew Israelites. This is a cult group that is rising fast and should not be taken lightly. In this book, Malone goes through the beginnings of Hebrew Israelism along with some of their teachings and how Christians can respond.
Reading level: Easy-Medium
The Cult of the Virgin by Elliot Miller and Kenneth Samples
This book addresses the issue of the worship of Mary, the mother of Jesus, that takes place among some Catholics. Miller and Samples discuss what Catholics believe about Mary and where Catholicism has gone wrong. This book also discusses many of the most famous supposed sightings and miracles of Mary that have occurred over the past several centuries.
Reading level: Easy-Medium
The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin
Walter Martin put together the preeminent work on cults. The book covers a wide variety of cults and goes through the history and theological issues regarding each cult.
Reading level: Medium