Signature in the Cell by Stephen C. Meyer
Stephen Meyer is one of the leading proponents of the Intelligent Design Hypothesis. This book covers the origin of life and more specifically the origin of biological information. Meyer shows the failure of naturalistic theories to solve the question of the origin of life and how intelligent design is the best explanation. Although a difficult read, Meyer does a great job of explaining things at a lay level.
Reading level: Medium-Difficult
Darwin’s Doubt by Stephen C. Meyer
This is Meyer’s follow up to his book, Signature in the Cell. In this book, Meyer goes in depth on the fossil record showing that Neo-Darwinian evolution does not fit the evidence. Complex life forms appear suddenly and fully formed, refuting the common Darwinian thought. Meyer shows how the fossil record does not allow for macro-evolution due to the time constraints of the Cambrian explosion.
Reading level: Difficult
Replacing Darwin by Nathaniel Jeanson
If the Flood occurred just a few thousand years ago, how do we have such diversity of animal life today? Is it possible for new species to form? What does the Bible mean by animal “kinds”? These are the question Dr. Jeanson answers in this book. He solves these questions from a Young-Earth Creationist perspective. The book comes in two forms: advanced readers (blue butterfly on the cover) and lay readers (green butterfly on the cover).
Reading level: Easy-Difficult (depends on which version you get)
Bones of Contention by Marvin L. Lubenow
Have you ever wondered about Neanderthals or supposed ape-men in the fossil record? In this book, Lubenow does a deep dive on human fossils. He goes through some of the most commonly asked questions regarding human evolution and the most common fossils touted by evolutionists. He takes down the idea that the fossil record proves humans shared a common ancestor with apes.
Reading level: Medium
Refuting Evolution by Jonathan Sarfati
This book refutes some of the most common evolutionary arguments, such as whale and bird evolution. Sarfati helps explain what is truly happening in natural selection and mutation and the biology of organisms.
Reading level: Medium-Difficult
Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design
This book features four different authors from varying perspectives. It is a good resource for understanding the different views Christians hold when it comes to questions regarding the book of Genesis, the age of the earth, and evolution. Essentially, this book shows four different ways Christians attempt to reconcile science with their Christian faith. Each authors presents his or her case for why their view is the best one. The other authors then respond with objections. The four views featured in this book are Young-Earth Creationism, Old-Earth Creationism, Intelligent Design, and Theistic Evolution.
Reading level: Medium-Difficult
Darwin on Trial by Phillip E. Johnson
With a background in law, Phillip Johnson applies the skills he learned in law school to the question of evolution. He questions the explanatory power of the evolutionary model to address the evidence found in different fields of science. This book became a launch point for many later books on Intelligent Design.
Reading level: Medium-Difficult